Pet Dental

Santaluz Animal Care Offers Pet Dental Care

Good dental care is important to your pet’s health, just as it is for your own. Dental problems can prevent your pet from getting the nutrition he or she needs and can lead to a variety of other health issues.  Dr. Laura Greenlee Johnson and her team at Santaluz Animal Care in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, offer state of the art dental care for pets.


Why Is Pet Dental Care Important?

Good dental care for pets allows them to get the nutrition they need for good health. In addition, bacteria that grow in the mouth can migrate to other organs, causing diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. Our doctors can ensure that your pet’s teeth are clean and well maintained, to prevent the development of other health problems.

Issues Your Vet Can Find During a Pet Dental Exam

Dr. Laura Greenlee Johnson will look for obvious teeth problems, such as retained baby teeth or broken teeth. Poor alignment from excess teeth or broken teeth  that can cause irritation of mouth tissues and reluctance to eat. She will also look for heavy deposits of tartar that can loosen teeth and affect eating and nutrition. In some cases, decay or abscess can cause infection that spreads into the sinuses.

Common Pet Dental Problems

Veterinarians see a number of problems caused by dental problems. Bad breath is a common complaint among pet owners and can result from decaying teeth or gum disease. Drooling from dental issues is another common issue. Pets may paw at their mouths or avoid having their faces or heads touched.

Our Doctors Can Help Maintain Good Pet Dental Health

Dr. Laura Greenlee Johnson at Santaluz Animal Care in Rancho Santa Fe will provide a thorough examination of your pet’s teeth to find issues that may be contributing to poor appetite or other symptoms. She and her team members are well trained to do extractions of broken, decayed, or poorly aligned teeth to make eating more comfortable. We also provide teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar below the gum line to prevent gum disease that causes tooth loss. If necessary, x-rays of the teeth and jaw can be done to find complex problems that may require surgery to fix.

 Call Santaluz Animal Care today at (858) 258-5590 for an appointment to learn how good dental care can help your pet enjoy better health.